Oak Hill High Boys Basketball and Girls Track Teams To Be Honored
Thursday, April 14, 2011
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
“A Red Devil Tailgate” is the theme for a dinner and celebration planned to honor Oak Hill High School’s 2010 girls state track champions and the 2011 boys basketball champions on Thursday, April 14, at the Lewis Community Foundation’s Christian Community Center. The Oak Hill High/Collins High Alumni Association, sponsor of the event, hopes to draw fans of all ages to the event.
“We’ll recognize the championship teams, of course, but we’ll also celebrate being part of the small town that has produced four championship teams in two years,” said Association President Sherry Keffer.
Plans include a “Parade of Champions,” which will leave from Oak Hill High, led by the Red Devil band. Athletes from several sports will ride in the parade which will end at the Lewis Center. A bonfire, which is open to the public, will start at approximately 6 p.m., and after some rousing music by the band and a few cheers, those holding tickets to the dinner will go inside for barbecues, hot dogs and side dishes.
Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children eight and under. They can be purchased at Action Printing (see Katie Hayes), at Woods Pharmacy or Curves of Oak Hill. You may also contact Alumni Association members Jim Alexander, Beth Epperson, Merry Burgess Hanning, Leon Jarosz, Becky Waldron Legg (304-469-3742), Sherry Allen Keffer (304-469-2251), Calvin Kidd, Shirley Waldron Mackey, Jennifer Melesky McCauley, Marilyn Thompson Montgomery, Norma “Bo” Widner Price, Bob Sanger, Pam Hall Smith, or Deanna Kidd Stafford to purchase tickets.